15 Reasons Why You Need to see A Clinical Nutritionist

Clinical nutritionists

At the gym, you're unstoppable. You receive your yearly check up at the GP and visit the dermatologist at least once a year for a skin check. You even schedule chiropractic sessions on a regular basis. There's a good chance you're missing out on a vital appointment: seeing a nutritionist.

A clinical nutritionist does for your digestive system and body what an ophthalmologist does for your eyes, all while ensuring you're getting the proper nutrients and assisting you in tailoring an eating plan that works best for you—whether your goal is weight loss, learning how to eat a healthy diet, or increasing your iron intake.

While everyone should make an appointment, there are some unmistakable signs that you should see a nutritionist right away.


1. You believe you have a food allergy or intolerance


However, there is a catch. It's a good idea to talk to a clinical nutritionist before you start eliminating foods from your diet. The truth is anyone can claim to be a nutritionist, but only a Clinical Nutritionist - those with a degree (usually a Bachelor of Health Science) have all the appropriate qualifications, training and experience to do so.

A clinical nutritionist has sufficient expertise and education to make major recommendations, such as eliminating entire food groups. A clinical nutritionist can help you figure out whether your symptoms are caused by an allergy, intolerance, or something else. He or she can also advise you on how to obtain a diagnosis and, if necessary, which type of doctor to consult. It is critical to follow the necessary processes in order to obtain a correct diagnosis.

See this link for more information about the difference between Health Coach, Nutritionist, Dietician and a Clinical Nutritionist.

Many individuals are unaware that in order to receive a true diagnosis for gluten intolerance or celiac disease, you must be consuming gluten at the time of the test. A Clinical Nutritionist can assist you in this process, guiding you through the proper diet and ensuring that you do not acquire any vitamin deficiencies."


2. You're Irregular


This is critical, ladies and gentlemen: One to two times per day is recommended for bowel movements. Talk to a degree-qualified Clinical Nutritionist about making some changes if you're going days without going to the restroom.


3. When you eat dairy, your stomach twists.


Gas, bloating, and diarrhoea, to name a few symptoms... This may sound like a commercial for a plastic bottle of solution, but it's actually about your dairy consumption.

It's possible that you're lactose intolerant!

Lactose intolerance is dose-dependent, which means that a few tablespoons of ice cream may be acceptable, but a cup can put you over the edge. A Clinical Nutritionist can assist you in ensuring that you are properly diagnosed and determining whether or not you are able to consume dairy. They'll make sure you get all the nutrients from dairy products in another way if you can't."


4. You've tried every diet out there... but haven't seen any results.


Alternatively, you may quickly regain all of your lost weight. Whatever the stumbling obstacle, a professional nutritionist can provide careful and efficient assistance.

Rather of following a specific food plan, a Clinical Nutritionist can assist you in modifying your lifestyle. A Clinical Nutritionist is trained to assist you in learning healthy behaviours and habits as well as identifying hazardous ones.

They can help you understand how food fuels your body, how to attain balance in your dietary choices, and hold you accountable to stay on track.


5. You Have Acid Reflux or Heartburn


A Clinical Nutritionist can help you reduce acid reflux symptoms by placing you on the right diet. You should check to make sure it isn't something more serious, but seeing a Clinical Nutritionist can be really beneficial, and they can refer you to a doctor if necessary.


6. Your Hunger Levels Have Changed Significantly

 A severe drop in appetite or an increase in appetite could indicate that something is wrong!

To figure out what's going on, a Clinical Nutritionist will definitely need to work with a doctor, but talking with a Clinical Nutritionist is a good place to start."


7. You've Just Received a High Cholesterol Diagnosis


You'll know which foods to eat and which to avoid with the help of a Clinical Nutritionist. They'll also be able to explain your cholesterol levels, why they're high, and what it all implies in terms of your long-term health.


8. You've tried everything and still can't get rid of the weight


It's not just because it's the end of the month. It's not about going on a cleanse for a week and then wondering why you've gained the weight back a month later.  We're talking with a constant inability to lose weight despite doing everything right, such as exercising, eating well, and sleeping enough. There's more to healthy eating than meets the eye. Meeting with a Clinical Nutritionist might help you identify some of your hidden difficulties.


9. Alternatively, if you simply want to lose weight in general,


Learning how to lose weight while eating properly and avoiding nutritional deficiencies is critical to maintaining excellent health and even keeping the weight off.


10. Things Have Been Getting a Little Crazy


When you're adjusting to life's more challenging moments, it's a good idea to see a Clinical Nutritionist, who acts as a psychologist for your body.

A Clinical Nutritionist can help you confront the challenge head-on, whether you've just found out you're pregnant, been diagnosed with diabetes, or decided to prepare for a marathon. They have been trained in all aspects of nutrition and understands how the appropriate food can benefit or worsen your condition.

Some Clinical Nutritionists have specialist certifications in areas like as paediatrics, diabetes education, women's health, nutrition for oncology, and sports nutrition, and are up to date on the newest research in these fields.


11. You're Constantly Food-Conscious


Isn't it true that not everyone is constantly thinking about their next meal? In all seriousness, if you're always thinking about—and obsessing over—your next meal, it's time to see a Clinical Nutritionist.

It's time to make an appointment if you're continuously thinking about your next meal, and may even go to bed thinking about breakfast. When these ideas are fuelled by a 'obsession' with food rather than hunger, it could be an indication of disordered eating.

Learning more about nutrition science from a Clinical Nutritionist can sometimes lead you down a healthier path and a Clinical Nutritionist will work with you and a psychologist to assist if it turns out you do suffer from some disordered eating patterns.


12. You Have a High Risk of Stress Fractures


This is more prevalent than you may believe, and a Clinical Nutritionist can figure out what's causing it, whether it's a shortage of calcium, excessive exercise, or something else. They can make sure you're getting the minerals you need for calcium absorption and strong bones, such as vitamin D and vitamin K, to name a few.


13. When you're emotional, you overeat or binge.


If you can't separate the feeling from the habit, if you go overboard whether you're anxious, unhappy, or even joyful, it's a red flag. This behaviour is some people can lead to bad habits, which can lead to weight gain and ailments such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

A Clinical Nutritionist, in conjunction with a psychologist, can assist you in dealing with your emotions so you can overcome your overeating.


14. You've been pushed too far.

 You have three pets, three children, and a husband. You work full-time and volunteer on the side. Simply put, you're worn out. There's a good chance you're not getting enough nutrition to keep up with your hectic schedule. A Clinical Nutritionist can help you make sure you're fuelling your body regularly throughout the day—and that you're eating the correct foods to power your brain and muscles and avoid energy dips and crashes.


15. You're trying for a baby!

 Are you trying to conceive? A Clinical Nutritionist can assist you in preparing your body for the healthiest pregnancy possible and once you are pregnant ensuring your baby receives all of the nutrients it needs too!

Are you looking for more personalised nutritional advice,  book a consultation today to discuss your health goals!

Renee Bailey is a degree qualified Clinical Nutritionist - Clinical Nutrition is a researched and evidence-based health practice, working towards improved prevention, management, and treatment of chronic, complex and lifestyle-related conditions. Working with all medical and health professionals for a multidisciplinary, multi-system approach to healthcare.


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